Bee Engaged™ workshop uses the story The Bee Book to convey the P-O-L-L-E-N™ Model of employee engagement to help leaders, managers and employees at any level, how to be more productive and enjoy what you do. Employee engagement is a soft skill that has hard results. The ROE (return on engagement) increases the ROI (return on investment). Everyone needs to understand the importance and the effect an engaged or dis-engaged employee can have on an organisation. Bee Engaged™ workshop will help participants do just that and ensure that on leaving they will be better prepared to engage their teams to obtain better results.
What is the Bee Engaged POLLEN Model of employee engagement?
Bee Engaged™ is an interactive, impactful, intense but pragmatic facilitated workshop for people in any organisation, large or small, government or corporate, who wish to understand how to effectively engage their teams and colleagues for improved results.
Using extensive research and knowledge from the worlds’ top academics we apply the theory to practice. This workshop is all about “making this the best place to work”.
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Using The Bee Book and the best principles of Accelerated Learning, this workshop engages, stimulates and educates the learner in a way that ensures retention and application of knowledge is maximised. It is fun, engaging, thought provoking and filled with practical knowledge to help improve employee engagement within your organisation. This workshop will help you make your organisation “the best place to work”. Want to know more? If you would like further information on this workshop please complete your details in the “Want to know more?” section.

Want to know more?
The learning objectives for this programme are:
- To make your organisation the best place to work
- Understand the difference between engagement, motivation, happiness and satisfaction and their implications on the organisation
- Use The Bee Book to help transform the story of a hive of bees to real world situations
- Lessons we can learn from bees
- Develop a common language (based on the story of the bees) to be used throughout the organisation for practical employee engagement
- Use tips and real examples that have been implemented effectively
- Use the P-O-L-L-E-N™ Model of employee engagement to help participants remember the steps for effective and practical implementation after leaving the workshop
- Understand how return on engagement (ROE) increases return on investment (ROI)
- Understand how to better engage with employees, leaders and customers for obvious benefits
- Compare the two hives in The Bee Book and relate to participants actual situation
- Complete an employee engagement assessment
- Look at your leadership employee engagement traits to help improve your leadership style for better results
A short pre-read of The Bee Book and completion of pre-work is a recommended prerequisite